Current Events

This blogpost is more of a rant, than a tangent or sonnet. While I take a small break from working on my book, and still on vacation from writing any new sonnets I've decided to focus my more creative writing into a more dire and seriouse nature, Thats right Current Events of what is currently affecting us at the moment, my views and my thoughts on all of the recent topics that spring to mind. Health care, H1N1 Virus, and of course the ever disasterious war taking place in the middle east. However before I get into my views and such opinions I must warn you I may not be up-todate on all the recent press releases to some of the things I will be talking about, however most of it being my opinions the only thing I need to cross and check are the facts of the situtuation.

But that will be a post at a later date, when I am not jet-lagging from some good medication, to try and tame my insomnia. I will keep you all posted on the progress of my book, for those few readers who are interested, I am also looking to expand my reader audiance, so please pass the word around!, as of right now I am resided to trying to survive off what little profit I make from my publications. considering I only have one book published, with the release of my second and hopefully a third not to long after that, I will be able to breath a sigh of relief.

I am still also looking for any Artists willing to contribute some artwork to the book, if your interested in this you can get in touch with me by emailing me at with a subject like "Book Artwork" or something similar to that. Full credit will be given to all those who submit and get approved for publishing.

I am also considering holding a small contest (if enough particapates enters) that the best winning cover design will recieve a free autographed copy of my new book. And discounts to those willing to pass the word along and bring in extra readers.

Just an update,
The Dead Poet.

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